Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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The Right Honourable,
Ferrante Ceſarini.
My Treatiſe of the MENSURATION of RUN­
NING WATERS, Right Honourable, and
moſt Noble Sir, hath not a greater Preroga­
tive than its having been the production of the
command of Pope Vrban VIII. when His Ho­
lineſs was pleaſed to enjoyn me to go with
Monſignore Corſini, in the Viſitation that was
impoſed upon him in the year 1625. of the Waters of Ferrara,
Bologna, Romagna, and Romagnola; for that, on that occaſion
applying my whole Study to my ſervice and duty, I publiſhed in
that Treatiſe ſome particulars till then not rightly underſtood and
conſidered (that I knew) by any one; although they be in them­
ſelves moſt important, and of extraordinary conſequence.
I muſt render thanks to Your Lordſhip for the honour you have
done to that my Tract; but wiſh withal, that your Eſteem of it
may not prejudice the univerſal Eſteem that the World hath of
Your Honours moſt refined judgement.
As to that Point which I touch upon in the Concluſion, name­
ly, That the conſideration of the Velocity of Running Water ſup­
plyeth the conſideration of the ^{*} Length omitted in the common

way of meaſuring Running Waters; Your Lordſhip having com­
manded me that in favour of Practiſe, and for the perfect diſco­
very of the diſorder that commonly happeneth now adayes in
the diſtribution of the Waters of Fountains, I ſhould demon­
ſtrate that the knowledge of the Velocity ſerveth for the finding
of the Length: I have thought fit to ſatisfie your Command by
relating a Fable; which, if I do not deceive my ſelf, will make
out to us the truth thereof; inſomuch that the reſt of my Treatiſe
ſhall thereby alſo become more manifeſt and intelligible, even to

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