Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1Errour of Bartolotti.86, 87Errours of Engineers in the Derivation of Chenels. Corollary XII.12Errour of Engineers in Meaſuring of Reno in Po. Appendix III.ibid.Errour of other Engineers, contrary to the precedent. Appendix IV.Ibid.Errour of Giovanni Fontana in Meaſuring Waters, Corollary XI.9Errour of Giulio Frontino in Meaſuring the Waters of Aqueducts. Appen-dix I.17Errours committed in cutting the Bank at Bondeno, in the ſwellings of Po: CorollaryXIII.81FFenns Pontine, Drained by Pope Sixtus Quintus, with vaſt expence.92The ruine and miſcarriage thereof.93Tardity of the principal Chanel that Drains them, cauſe of the Drowning.ibid.They are obſtructed by the Fiſhing-Wears, which ſuell the River.94Waters of Fiume Siſto, which flow in great abundance into the Evacuator of the ſaid Fenns.94, 95Remedies to the diſorders of thoſe Fenns.95, 96Fontana Giovanni, his errours in Meaſuring Waters. Corollary XI.9Fiume Morto, whether it ought to fall into the Sea, or into Serchio,79Let into Serchio and its inconveniences.79, 80The dangerous riſing of its Waters, when to be expected.81Its inconveniences when it is higher in level than Serchio, and why it riſeth moſt On the Sea-coaſts, at ſuch time as the Winds make the Sea to ſuell.83GGalilæo Galilæi. hoxourably mentioned.Page 2, 28His Rule for meaſuring the time.49HHeight, vide QuickHeights different, made by the ſame ſtream of a Brock or Torrent, according to the divers Velocities in the entrance of the River. Corollary I.6Heights different, made by the Torrent in the River, according to the different heights of the River. Corollary II.ibid.KKnowledge of Motion how much it importeth.1LtLake of Perugia, and, he Obſervation made on it. Appendix XII.42Lake of Thraſimenus and Conſiderations upon it, a Letter written to Sig. Galilæo Galilæi.28Lake of Venice, and Conſiderations upon it.63, 73Low Waters which let the bottom of it be diſcovered.64The ſtoppage and choaking of the Ports, a main cauſe of the diſorders of the Lake, and the grand remedy to thoſe diſorders what it is.66Lakes and Metrs along the Sea-coaſts, and the cauſes thereof.65Length of Waters, how it is to be Meaſured.70MMeaſure and Diſtributions of Waters. Appendix V.18

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