Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1Meaſure of Rivers that fall into others difficult. Coroll. X:9Meaſure of the Running Water of a Chanel of an height known by a Regulator of a Mea-ſure given, in a time aſſigned. Propoſition I. Problem I.50Meaſure of the Water of any River, of any greatneſs, in a time given. Propoſition V. Problem III.60Meaſure that ſhewes how much Water a River diſchargeth in a time given.48Mole-holes,Motion the principal ſubject of Philoſophy.1Mud. Vide Sand.NNavigation from Bologna to Ferrara, is become impoſſible, till ſuch time as Reno be diverted.101Navigation in the Lake of Venice endangered, and how restored.65, 70PPerpendicularity of the Banks of the River, to the upper ſuperficies of it.37Perpendicularity of the Banks to the bottom.37Perugia. Vide Lake.Pontine. Vide Fenns.Ports of Venice, Malamocco, Bondolo, and Chiozza, choaked up for want of Water in the Lake.65Proportions of unequal Sections of equal Velocity, and of equal Sections of unequal Velo-city. Axiome IV. and V.38Proportions of equal and unequal quantities of Water, which paſs by the Sections of dif-ferent Rivers. Propoſition II.39Proportions of unequal Sections that in equal times diſcharge equal quantities of Water. Propoſition III.41Proportion wherewith one River falling into another, varieth in height. Propo-ſition IV.44Proportion of the Water diſcharged by a River in the time of Flood, to the Water diſcharged in an equal time by the ſaid River, before or after the Flood. Propoſition V.44Proportion of the Heights made by two equal Brooks or Streams falling into the ſame River. Propoſition VI.45Proportion of the Water which a River diſchargeth encreaſing in Quick-height by the ad-dition of new Water, to that which it diſchargeth after the encreaſe is made. Propo-ſition IV. Theor. II.54Proportion of a River when high, to it ſelf when low. Coroll. I.55QQuantity of Running Waters is never certain, if with the Vulgar way of Meaſuring them, their Velocities be not conſidered.32Quantities of Waters which are diſcharged by a River, anſwer in equality to the Velocities and times in which they are diſcharged. Axiome I, II, III.38Quick-Height of a River, what it is. Definition V.48RReaſon of the Proverb, Take heed of the ſtill Waters. Coroll. VI.7Reaſons of Monſignore Corſini againſt the diverſion of Reno into the Po ofVolano.105Reaſons of Cardinal Capponi and Monſig. Corſini, for the turning of Reno into Main Po.106

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