Weidler, Johann Friedrich, Jo. Friderici Weidleri Tractatus de machinis hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyensi et Londinensi et aliis rarioribus similibus in quo mensurae prope ipsas machinas notatae describuntur, et de viribus earum luculenter disseritur

Table of figures

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S. A Cup receiving the overplus Water from x,
which conveys it into the Boiler.
T. The Pipe carrying down the injected Water
from the Cylinder, thro a immerged valve at y.
V. A Pipe carrying the waſte water from the Piſton,
when it riſes to the top of the Cylinder.
W A Pipe ſupplying the valve with Water from
the top of the Piſton.
X. A Value thro which the Steam forces out the
Air, that paſſes into the Cylinder with the injected
Y. A Value letting out the injected Water, which
being immerged in a Ciſtern of Water, prevents the
Air from going up into the Cylinder thro it, when a
Vacuum is made therein.
Z. A Cock ſupplying the Piſton with Water from
the Ciſtern, g.
aaaa. Four great Beams ſupporting the Engine and
the Floor of the Houſe.
bcde The Ground Floor of the Houfe.
f The Chimney.
g A ciſtern of cold Water to ſupply the Injecting-
b1. b2 The Great Leaver, moving on an Axis in the
middle, to the inner @nd of which the ſhank of the
Piſton is faſtned by a C@ain, that hangs down from
the Arch.
i. A Rod and Chain fixed to the outer End of the
great Leaver.
working Pumps from the Bottom of
the mine.
k. A ſmal pump ſupplying the Ciſtern g, thro the
Pipe m, m.

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