Castelli, Benedetto, Of the mensuration of running waters, 1661

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              ding of 13. it increaſed ſeptuple, and by adding of 15. octuple,
              and by adding of 17. nonuple, and laſtly by adding 19. Syphons;
              ſo that all the water was centuple to the water of one Syphon,
              yet nevertheleſs the quick height of all this water was onely de­
              cuple to the firſt height conjoyned by the water that iſſued from
              one onely Syphon.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>For the more clear underſtanding of all which, I have made
              the following Figure; in which we have the mouth A, that
              maintaineth the water of the Veſſel B C in the ſame level; though
              it continually run; to the brim of the Veſſel are put 25. Sy­
              phons (and there may be many more) divided into 5 Claſſes,
              D E F G H, and the firſt D, are of one onely Syphon; the ſecond
              E, of three Syphons; the third F, of five; the fourth G, of 7; the
              fifth H, of 9; and one may ſuppoſe the ſixth of 11, the ſeventh
              of 13 Syphons, and ſo of the other Claſſes, all containing in con­
              ſequent odd numbers ſucceſſively (we are content to repreſent in
              the Figure no more but the five forenamed Claſſes to avoid con­
              fuſion) the gathered water D E F G H, which runneth thorow
              the Chanel I K L, and falleth into the out-let M N O P; and ſo
              much ſufficeth for the explanation of this experiment.</s>
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