Apollonius <Pergaeus>; Lawson, John, The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement to which is now added, a second supplement, being Mons. Fermat's Treatise on spherical tangencies

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75[x] The Limitations of the two former are ſaid by Pappus to have
been minimums, and that of the third a maximum, in conformity,
to which, I have here made them ſo;
although I cannot ſee with
what propriety:
each of them admitting, in ſome Caſes, of a maxi-
mum and in others of minimum, as I have intimated in a ſcbolium at
the end of each Problem.
But notwithſtanding I have conformed to
the manner of Apollonius in dividing this Problem into three,
which it muſt be confeſſed contributes much to order in enumera-
ting ſuch a multitude of Caſes, yet have I previouſly ſhewn how
the whole may be generally conſtructed at once;
and that by a me-
thod, which I flatter myſelf will not be found inferior to any that
hath heretofore been given of this very intricate and general
Such are the things that I have attempted, and ſuch the reaſons
for what I have done in the following little Tract.
The merit due
to each of them I chearfully ſubmit (where every one ought) to
the deciſion of the impartial Reader.
In the Conſtructions, my
chief Aim was novelty and uniformity:
I could have given more
ſimple conſtructions to one or two of them;
in particular the ſixth
of Book I:
but it was not my intention to give any thing that I
knew had been done before.
I know of many imperfections, but
no falſe reaſonings, and hope none will be found;
but if there
ſhould, I hope the candid Geometer will be more inclined to ex-
cuſe than exult, when I aſſure him the greateſt part of the work
has been executed at different times, amidſt the hurry and perplexi-
ties which it may eaſily be conceived attend the fitting out for a
three years Voyage to the ſouth ſeas.

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