Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 61]
[Figure 62]
[Figure 63]
[Figure 64]
[Figure 65]
[Figure 66]
[Figure 67]
[Figure 68]
[Figure 69]
[Figure 70]
[Figure 71]
[Figure 72]
[Figure 73]
[Figure 74]
[Figure 75]
[Figure 76]
[Figure 77]
[Figure 78]
[Figure 79]
[Figure 80]
[Figure 81]
[Figure 82]
[Figure 83]
[Figure 84]
[Figure 85]
[Figure 86]
[Figure 87]
[Figure 88]
[Figure 89]
[Figure 90]
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            <pb xlink:href="040/01/806.jpg" pagenum="114"/>
            <p type="head">
              <s>PROP. XIII. PROBL. IV.</s>
            <p type="main">
                <emph type="italics"/>
              There being given the greateſt Weight that can be ſup­
              ported at the middle of a Cylinder or Priſme, where
              the Reſiſtance is leafl; and there being given a
              Weight greater than that, to find in the ſaid Cylin­
              der, the point at which the given greater Weight may
              be ſupporited as the greateſt Weight.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Let the given weight greater than the greateſt weight that
              can be ſupported at the middle of the Cylinder A B, have
              unto the ſaid greateſt weight, the proportion of the line E
              to F: it is required to find the point in the Cylinder at which the
              ſaid given weight commeth to be ſupported as the biggeſt. </s>
              tween E and F let G be a Mean-Proportional; and as E is to G,
              ſo let A D be to S, S ſhall be leſſer than A D. </s>
              <s>Let A D be the
              Diameter of the Semicircle A H D: in which ſuppoſe A H equal
              to S; and joyn together H and D, and take D R equal to it.
              <s>I ſay that R is the point ſought, at which the given weight,
              greater than the greateſt that can be ſupported at the middle of the
              Cylinder D, would become as the greateſt weight. </s>
              <s>On the length
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              A deſcribe the Semicircle A N B, and raiſe the Perpendicular
              RN, and conjoyn N and
              D: And becauſe the two
                <figure id="id.040.01.806.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/806/1.jpg" number="67"/>
              Squares N R and R D are
              equal to the Square N D;
              that is, to the Square A D;
              that is, to the two A H and
              and H D; and H D is equal
              to the Square D R: There­
              fore the Square N R, that
              is, the Rectangle A R B
              ſhall be equal to the Square A H; that is, to the Square S: But
              the Square S is to the Square A D, as F to E; that is, as the
              greateſt ſupportable Weight at D to the given greater Weight:
              Therefore this greater ſhall be ſupported at R, as the greateſt
              that can be there ſuſtained. </s>
              <s>Which is that that we ſought.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SAGR. </s>
              <s>I underſtand you very well, and am conſidering that
              the Priſme A B having alwayes more ſtrength and reſiſtance a­
              gainſt Preſſion in the parts that more and more recede from the
              middle, whether in very great and heavy Beams one may take </s>