Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of contents

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[41.] Demonstration.
[42.] Remarks.
[43.] Method V.
[44.] Operation, Without Compaſſes.
[45.] Demonstration.
[46.] Remark.
[47.] Corollary.
[48.] Method VI.
[49.] Operation.
[50.] Demonstration.
[51.] Remarks.
[52.] Corollary.
[53.] Problem II.
[54.] Remark.
[55.] Problem III.
[56.] Method. II.
[57.] Problem IV.
[58.] Example I.
[59.] Example II.
[60.] Remarks.
[61.] Example III. 48. To throw a circle into Perſpective.
[62.] Remarks.
[63.] Prob. V. 50. To find the Repreſentation of a Point, elevated above the Geometrical Planc.
[64.] Operation.
[65.] Demonstration.
[66.] Prob. VI. 52. To throm a Pyramid, or Cone, into Perſpective.
[67.] 53. To determine the viſible Part of the Baſe of a Cone.
[68.] Operation.
[69.] Demonstration.
[70.] Remarks.
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page |< < of 237 > >|
8322[Figure 22]page 38
Plate 10.
Fig. 22.
V F I N a G H M P D E B C L A
23[Figure 23]Fig. 23.O F I H a G D E B C L A M24[Figure 24]Fig. 24.@ o f X a e A

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