Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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1Accelerate Motion of the Velocity of the Equable Motion (which defi­
cient Moments are repreſented by the Parallels of the Triangle A G I)
is made up by the moments repreſented by the Parallels of the Triangle
I E F. It is manifeſt, therefore, that thoſe Spaces are equal which are
in the ſame Time by two Moveables, one whereof is moved with a Mo­
tion uniformly Accelerated from Reſt, the other with a Motion Equable
according to the Moment ſubduple of that of the greateſt Velocity of the
Accelerated Motion: Which was to be demonſtrated.
If a Moveable deſcend out of Reſt with a Moti­
on uniformly Accelerate, the Spaces which it
paſſeth in any whatſoever Times are to each
other in a proportion Duplicate of the ſame
Times; that is, they are as the Squares of
Let A B repreſent a length of Time beginning at the firſt Inſtant A;
and let A D and A E repreſent any two parts of the ſaid Time;
and let H I be a Line in which the Moveable out of H, (as the firſt
beginning of the Motion) deſcendeth uniformly accelerating; and let the
84[Figure 84]
Space H L be paſſed in the firſt Time A D; and let H M
be the Space that it ſhall deſcend in the Time A E. I ſay,
the Space M H is to the Space H L in duplicate propor­
tion of that which the Time E A hath to the Time A D:
Or, if you will, that the Spaces M H and H L are to one
another in the ſame proportion as the Squares E A and
A D. Draw the Line A C at any Angle with A B, and
from the points D and E draw the Parallels D O and
P E: of which D O will repreſent the greateſt degree
of Velocity acquired in the Inſtant D of the Time A D;
and P the greateſt degree of Velocity acquired in the In­
ſtant E of the Time A E. And becauſe we have de­
monſtrated in the laſt Propoſition concerning Spaces, that
thoſe are equal to one another, of which two Moveables
have paſt in the ſame Time, the one by a Moveable out
of Reſt with a Motion uniformly Accelerate, and the
other by the ſame Moveable with an Equable Motion,
whoſe Velocity is ſubduple to the greateſt acquired by the
Accelerate Motion: Therefore M H and H L are the Spaces that two
Lquable Motions, whoſe Velocities ſhould be as the half of P E, and

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