Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 81]
[Figure 82]
[Figure 83]
[Figure 84]
[Figure 85]
[Figure 86]
[Figure 87]
[Figure 88]
[Figure 89]
[Figure 90]
[Figure 91]
[Figure 92]
[Figure 93]
[Figure 94]
[Figure 95]
[Figure 96]
[Figure 97]
[Figure 98]
[Figure 99]
[Figure 100]
[Figure 101]
[Figure 102]
[Figure 103]
[Figure 104]
[Figure 105]
[Figure 106]
[Figure 107]
[Figure 108]
[Figure 109]
[Figure 110]
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1ſuppoſe that the Moveable G is to the Moveable H, as F A is to
F C; and then the Equilibrium ſhall follow, that is, the Moveables
H and G ſhall have equal Moments, and the Motion of the ſaid
Moveables ſhall ceaſe. And becauſe we ſee that the Impetus,
Energy, Moment, or Propenſion of a Moveable to Motion is the
ſame as is the Force or ſmalleſt Reſiſtance that ſufficeth to ſtop it;
and becauſe it hath been concluded, that the Grave Body H is ſuf.
ficient to arreſt the Motion of
88[Figure 88]
the Grave Body G: Therefore
the leſſer Weight H, which in
the Perpendicular F C imploy­
eth its total Moment, ſhall be
the preciſe meaſure of the par­
tial Moment that the greater
Weight G exerciſeth along the
inclined Plane F A: But the
meaſure of the total Moment of
the ſaid Grave Body G, is the
ſelf ſame, (ſince that to impede
the Perpendicular Deſcent of a
Grave Body there is required the oppoſition of ſuch another Grave
Body, which likewiſe is at liberty to move Perpendicularly:)
Therefore the partial Impetus or Moment of G along the inclined
Plane F A ſhall be to the grand and total Impetus of the ſame G
along the Perpendicular F C, as the Weight H to the Weight G:
that is, by Conſtruction, as the ſaid Perpendicular F C, the Eleva­
tion of the inclined Plane, is to the ſame inclined Plane F A:
Which is that that by the Lemma was propoſed to be demon­
ſtrated, and which by our Author, as we ſhall ſee, is ſuppoſed as
known in the ſecond part of the Sixth Propoſition of the preſent
* Or inclined
SAGR. From this that you have already concluded I conceive
one may eaſily deduce, arguing ex æquali by perturbed Proportion,
that the Moments of the ſame Moveable, along Planes variouſly
inclined (as F A and F I) that have the ſame Elevation, are to each
other in Reciprocal proportion to the ſame Planes.
SALV. A moſt certain Concluſion. This being agreed on, we
will paſs in the next place to demonſtrate the Theoreme, namely,

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