Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 71]
[Figure 72]
[Figure 73]
[Figure 74]
[Figure 75]
[Figure 76]
[Figure 77]
[Figure 78]
[Figure 79]
[Figure 80]
[Figure 81]
[Figure 82]
[Figure 83]
[Figure 84]
[Figure 85]
[Figure 86]
[Figure 87]
[Figure 88]
[Figure 89]
[Figure 90]
[Figure 91]
[Figure 92]
[Figure 93]
[Figure 94]
[Figure 95]
[Figure 96]
[Figure 97]
[Figure 98]
[Figure 99]
[Figure 100]
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The Times of the Motions along equal Planes,
but unequally inclined, are to each other in
ſubduple proportion of the Elevations of thoſe
Planes Reciprocally taken.
Let there proceed from the term B two equal Planes, but une­
qually inclined, B A and B C, and let A E and C D be Hori­
zontal Lines, drawn as far as the Perpendicular B D: Let the
Elevation of the Plane B A be B E; and let the Elevation of the
Plane B C be B D: And let B I be a Mean Proportional between the
Elevations D B and B E: It is manifeſt
91[Figure 91]
that the proportion of D B to B I, is ſub­
duple the proportion of D B to B E.
I ſay, that the proportion of the Times
of the Deſcents or Motions along the
Planes B A and B C, are the ſame with
the proportion of D B to B I Reciprocal­
ly taken: So that to the Time B A the
Elevation of the other Plane B C, that is
B D be Homologal; and to the Time along
B C, B I be Homologal: Therefore it is
to be demonſtrated, That the Time along B A is to the Time along
B C, as D B is to B I.
Let I S be drawn equidiſtant from D C. And
becauſe it hath been demonſtrated that the Time of the Deſcent
along B A, is to the Time of the Deſcent along the Perpendicular
B E, as the ſaid B A is to B E; and the Time along B E is to the
Time along B D, as B E is to B I; and the Time along B D is to the
Time along B C, as B D to B C, or as B I to B S: Therefore, ex æqua­
li, the Time along B A ſhall be to the Time along B C as B A to B S,
or as C B to BS: But C B is to B S, as D B to B I: Therefore the
Propoſition is manifeſt:

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