Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              down the Sucker, would finde the reſiſt­
              ance of the external Air increaſ'd as he
              draws it lower, more of the diſplaced Air
              being thruſt into it to compreſs it. </s>
              <s>But, by
              what has been diſcourſ'd upon the firſt
              Experiment, it ſeems more probable, that
              without any ſuch ſtrengthning of the preſ­
              ſure of the outward Air, the taking quite
              away or the debilitating of the reſiſtance
              from within, may ſuffice to produce the
              effects under conſideration. </s>
              <s>But this will
              perhaps be illuſtrated by ſome or other of
              our future Experiments, and therefore
              ſhall be no longer inſiſted on here. </s>
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              <s>HAving thus taken notice of ſome of
                < n="marg6"/>
              the conſtant
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              of our En­
              gine it ſelf, let us now proceed to the Ex­
              periments tryable in it. </s>
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              <s>We took then a Lambs Bladder large,
              well dry'd, and very limber, and leaving in
              it about half as much Air as it could con­
              tain, we cauſ'd the neck of it to be ſtrong­
              ly ty'd, ſo that none of the included Air,
              though by preſſure, could get out. </s>
              Bladder being convey'd into the Receiver,
              and the Cover luted on, the Pump
              was ſet awork, and after two or three
              exſuctions of the ambient Air (where­
              by the Spring of that which remain'd in </s>