Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective
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8638An ESSAY there; and finally e A here, E A in that Fi-
This being ſuppoſed, o f is parallel to e 1127. and conſequently the Triangle o f a is ſimilar
to the Triangle a e A, and therefore we have this
o f: f a: : A e: e o.
o f + a f: f a: : A e + e a: e a.
o f + a f: A e + e a: : f a: e a.
Comp. and Perm.
o f + f a + Ae + e a : o f + f a : : f a + e a : f a.
This laſt Proportion being reduced to the pre-
cedent Figure, we ſhall have this,
O A : o a : : F D : F a.
Again, becauſe the Triangles O A L and O a G
are ſimilar, we ſhall have
O A: O a : : A L : a G.
And ſince the Triangle F E D and F a H are
F E : F a : : D E : H a.
And ſo if theſe three laſt Propoſitions be con-
ſider’d, we ſhall have
A L : a G : : D E : H a.
But D E was made equal to A L, and there-
fore a G or a I is alſo equal to a H, which is 2256. qual to the Repreſentation ſought.
Which was
to be demonſtrated.
Method III.
58. Near one of the Sides of the perſpective
33Fig. 25. Plane, raiſe the Perpendicular C B to the Baſe
Line, equal to the Height of the Eye, in which
take B L equal in length to twice the Perpen-
dicular, whoſe Perſpective is requir’d.
Let S

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