Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 111]
[Figure 112]
[Figure 113]
[Figure 114]
[Figure 115]
[Figure 116]
[Figure 117]
[Figure 118]
[Figure 119]
[Figure 120]
[Figure 121]
[Figure 122]
[Figure 123]
[Figure 124]
[Figure 125]
[Figure 126]
[Figure 127]
[Figure 128]
[Figure 129]
[Figure 130]
[Figure 131]
[Figure 132]
[Figure 133]
[Figure 134]
[Figure 135]
[Figure 136]
[Figure 137]
[Figure 138]
[Figure 139]
[Figure 140]
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              equal. </s>
              <s>And that two points at pleaſure D and E being taken, equally
              remote from the Angle B, the Tranſition along D B is made in a Time
              equal to the Time of the Reflection along B E, we may collect from hence:
              Draw D F, which ſhall be Parallel to B C; for it is manifeſt that the
              Deſcent along A D is reflected along D F: And if after D the Move­
              able paſſe along the Horizontal Plane D E, the
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in E ſhall be
              the ſame as the
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in D: Therefore it will aſcend from E to C:
              And therefore the degree of Velocity in D is equal to the degree in E.
              <s>From theſe things, therefore, we may rationally affirm, that, if a de­
              ſcent be made along any inclined Plane, after which a Reflection may
              follow along an elevated Plane, the Moveable may by the conceived
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              aſcend untill it attain the ſame beight, or Elevation from the
              Horizon. </s>
              <s>As if a Deſcent be made along A B, the Moveable would
              paſſe along the Reflected Plane B C, untill it arrive at the Horizon
              A C D; and that not only when the Inclinations of the Planes are
              equal, but alſo when they are unequal, as is the Plane B D: For it was
              first ſuppoſed, that the degrees of Velocity are equal, which are acqui­
              red upon Planes unequally inclined, ſo long as the Elevation of thoſe
              Planes above the Horizon was the ſame: But, if there being the ſame
              Inclination of the Planes E B and B D, the Deſcent along E B ſufficeth
              to drive the Moveable along the Plane BD as far as D, ſeeing this Impulſe
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
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                <emph type="italics"/>
              is made by the
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              of Velocity in the
              point B; and if the
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                <emph type="italics"/>
              be the ſame
              in B, whether the
              Moveable deſcend a­
              long A B, or along E B: It is manifeſt, that the Moveable ſhall be in
              the ſame manner driven along B D, after the Deſcent along A B, and
              after that along E B: But it will happen that the Time of the Aſcent
              along B D ſhall be longer than along B C, like as the Deſcent along
              E B is made in a longer time than along A B: But the Proportion of
              thoſe Times was before demonſtrated to be the ſame as the Lengths of
              thoſe Planes. </s>
              <s>Now it follows, that we ſeek the proportion of the Spaces
              paſt in equal Times along Planes, whoſe Inclinations are different, but
              their Elevations the ſame; that is, which are comprehended between
              the ſame Horizontal Parallels. </s>
              <s>And this hapneth according to the fol­
              lowing Propoſition.
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