Weidler, Johann Friedrich, Jo. Friderici Weidleri Tractatus de machinis hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyensi et Londinensi et aliis rarioribus similibus in quo mensurae prope ipsas machinas notatae describuntur, et de viribus earum luculenter disseritur

Table of handwritten notes

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A. Denotés two Furnaces, whoſe Fire places are B, 1,
2, and their Funnel or chimney C.
in theſe two Furnaces
are placed two Veſſels of Copper, which he calls Boy-
lers, the one a larger as L, the other a ſmaller as D.
Boylers have each a Gage Pipe as G and N, of which G
goes within eight Inches of the Bottom, but N reaches
only half way down the great Boyler,
By theſe Pipes, before the Engine can worck, you
muſt firſt fill the ſmall Boyler quite full, and the great
Boyler two Thirds full of water.
Thenlight the Fire
at B1, and make the water in L boil, by which means
the Steam of it being, quite confined, muſt needs be
wonderfully compreſſed, and therefore will, on the
opening of a way for it to iſſue out, (which is done
by turning Z the Handle of the regulator from you)
ruſh with a great Force thro the Steam Pipe O1, into
the Receiver P1, driving all the Air before it, and for-
cing it up into the Force Pipe, through the Clack R1,
as you will perceiue by the Noiſe and Ratling of the
And when all the Air is thus driven out, the
Receiver P1, will be very much heated, by the Steam.
when you find, that it is throughly emptied, and is
grown very hot, as you may both ſee and feel, then
pull the handle of theregulator towards you, by which
means you will ſtop the ſteam Pipe O1, ſo that no mo-
re Steam can yet come into it, but you will open it a
way into O2, and by that means fill the Receiver P2,
with the Steam, as the other was before.
While this
is doing, let ſome cold Water be poured on the Re-
ceiver P1, by which means the Steam there being coo-
led, and condenſed, and contracted into a very little
room, and conſequently preſſing, but very little, (if at
all) on the Value or Clack R1, at the bottom of

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