Monantheuil, Henri de, Aristotelis Mechanica, 1599

Table of figures

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[Figure 81]
[Figure 82]
[Figure 83]
[Figure 84]
[Figure 85]
[Figure 86]
[Figure 87]
[Figure 88]
[Figure 89]
[Figure 90]
[Figure 91]
[Figure 92]
[Figure 93]
[Figure 94]
[Figure 95]
[Figure 96]
[Figure 97]
[Figure 98]
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1pretij flos tingendis regum veſtibus expetitus. Hunc in medijs fau­
cibus conchæ gerunt, candida quadam vena concluſum colore ni­
gricantis roſæ pellucidum.
Lib. 9. cap.
3. *dia\ ti\ e)a\n me\n a)/nwqen h)=| to\
spa/rtion, o(/tan a)qerh| to\ ba/­
ros, pa/lin a)naqe/retai to\ zu­
go/n: de\ ka/twqen, me/nei.
3. Propter quid, ſi in ſupe­
riore librilis parte fuerit
agina, quando pondus, ali­
quod depreſſerit, rurſus
librile referatur: At ſi in
inferiore, non refertur.
*dia\ ti/, e)a\n me\n a)/nwqen h)=| to\ sparti/on, o(/tan ka/twqen
r(e/yantos a)fe/lh| to\ ba/ros pa/lin a)nafe/retai to\ zugo/n:
e)a\n de\ ka/twqen u(posth=|, ou)k a)nafe/retai, a)lla\ me/nei, h)\
dio/ti a)/nwqen me\n tou= sparti/ou o)/ntos, plei=on tou= zugou= gi/netai
to\ e)pe/keina th=s kaqe/tou, to\ ga\r sparti/on e)sti\ ka/qetos,
w(/ste a)na/gkh e)sti\ ka/tw r(e/pein to\ ple/on, e(/ws a)\n e)/lqh| h(
di/xa diairou=sa to\ zugo\n e)pi\ th\n ka/qeton au)th/n, e)pikeime/nou
tou= ba/rous e)n tw=| a)nespasme/nw| mori/w| tou= zugou=.

e)/stw zugo\n o)rqo\n, e)f' ou(= *b*g, sparti/on de\ to\ *a*d.
dh\ tou=tou, ka/tw ka/qetos e)/stai, e)f' h(=s h( *a*d*m.

e)a\n ou)=n e)pi\ to\ *b h( r(oph\ e)piteqei/setai, to\ me\n *b ou(= to\ *e,
to\ de\ *g ou(= to\ *z e)/stai, w(/ste h( di/xa diairou=sa to\ zugo\n.
me\n h)=n h( *a*d*m th=s kaqe/tou au)th=s.
e)pikeime/nhs de\ th=s r(oph=s
e)/stai h( *d*q, w(/ste tou= zugou= e)f' w(=| *e*z, to\ e)/cw th=s kaqe/tou
th=s e)f' h(=s *a*m, tou= e)n w(=| *f*p, mei/zw tou= h(mi/seos.

e)a\n ou)=n a)faireqh=| to\ ba/ros a)po\ tou= *e, a)na/gkh ka/tw fe/resqai
to\ *z.
e)/latton ga/r e)sti to\ *e. e)a\n me\n ou)=n a)/nw to\
sparti/on e)/xh|, pa/lin dia\ tou=to a)nafe/retai to\ zugo/n.
de\ ka/twqen h)=| to\ u(pokei/menon, tou)nanti/on poiei=: plei=on ga\r
gi/netai tou= h(mi/seos tou= zugou= to\ ka/tw me/ros, h)\ w(s h( ka/qetos
diairei=, w(/ste ou)k a)nafe/retai: koufo/teron ga\r to\ e)phrthme/non.

e)/stw zugo\n to\ e)f' ou(= *n*c to\ o)rqo/n, ka/qetos de\ h(
*k*l*m, di/xa dh\ diairei=tai to\ *n*c.
e)piteqe/ntos de\ ba/rous
e)pi\ to\ *n, e)/stai to\ me\n *n ou(= to\ *o, to\ de\ *c, ou(= to\ *r.
h( de\
*k*l ou(= to\ *l*q, w(/ste mei=zo/n e)sti to\ *l*o tou= *l*r, tw=| *q*k*l.

kai\ a)faireqe/ntos ou)=n tou= ba/rous, a)na/gkh me/nein: e)pi/keitai
ga\r w(/sper ba/ros h( u(peroxh\ h( tou= h(mi/seos tou= e)n w(=| to\ *l*o.
Propter quid ſi in ſupe­
riore librilis parte fuerit
agina, cum præ pondere de­
eſt, hoc ſublato rur­
ſus redit: Sed ſi in inferiore
fuerit, non redit, ſed manet?
an quia ſuperne exiſtente
agina, librilis plus erit ex­
tra perpendicularem.
enim trutina perpendicu­
Itaque neceſſe eſt, quod
plus eſt deorſum vergere,
incumbente pondere in par­
te librilis ſurſum rapta, do­
nec venerit eò, vbi ad per­
pendicularem ipſam librile
bifariam diuiditur.
Eſto li­
brile rectum b y, trutina a
: at hoc deorſum demiſſo
ſit perpendicularis a d m.
Si igitur pondus impona­
tur in lance b, erit b vbi e,
& g
vbi z.
Itaque recta bi­
fariam diuidens librile, pri­
mùm quidem erat a d m,
ipſa perpendicularis exiſtens:

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