Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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              demonſtrated, and the Motions thorow them ſhall be performed in equal
              Times ſeeing that they terminate in A unto the Circumference of the
              Circle A G O from the higheſt point of it A.
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            <p type="head">
              <s>PROBL. XII. PROP.
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              <s>A Perpendicular and Plane inclined to it being
              given, whoſe height is one and the ſame, as al­
              ſo the higheſt term, to find a point in the Per­
              pendicular above the common term, out of
              which if a Moveable be demitted that ſhall
              afterwards turn along the inclined Plane, the
              ſaid Plane may be paſt in the ſame Time in
              which the
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                <emph type="italics"/>
              ex quiete
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              would be
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              Let the Perpendicular and inclined Plane, whoſe Altitude is the
              ſame, be A B and A C. </s>
              <s>It is required in the Perpendicular B A,
              continued out from the point A to find a Point out of which a
              Moveable deſcending may paſſe the Space A C in the ſame Time in
              which it will paſſe the ſaid Perpendicular A B out of Reſt in A. </s>
              D C E at Right-Angles to A C, and let C D be cut equal to A B, and
              draw a Line from A to D: The Angle A D C ſhall be greater than the
              Angles C A D: (for C A is greater than A B or C D:) Let the
              Angle D A E be equal to the Angle A D E; and to A E let E F an in­
              clined Plane be Perpen-
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              dicular, and let both be­
              ing prolonged meet in F,
              and unto both A I and
              A G ſuppoſe C F to be
              equal, and by G draw
              G H equidiſtant to the
              Horizon. </s>
              <s>I ſay, that H
              is the point which is
              ſought. </s>
              <s>For ſuppoſing the
              Time of the Fall along
              the Perpendicular A B
              to be A B, the Time along
              A C ex quiete in A ſhall be the ſame A C. </s>
              <s>And becauſe in the Right­
              angled Triangle A E F, from the Right Angle E unto the Baſe A F,
              E C is a Perpendicular, A E ſhall be a Mean-Proportional betwixt F A
              and A C, and C E a Mean betwixt A C and C F, that is, betwixt C A
              and A I: and foraſmuch as the Time of A C out of A is A C, A E
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