Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 141]
[Figure 142]
[Figure 143]
[Figure 144]
[Figure 145]
[Figure 146]
[Figure 147]
[Figure 148]
[Figure 149]
[Figure 150]
[Figure 151]
[Figure 152]
[Figure 153]
[Figure 154]
[Figure 155]
[Figure 156]
[Figure 157]
[Figure 158]
[Figure 159]
[Figure 160]
[Figure 161]
[Figure 162]
[Figure 163]
[Figure 164]
[Figure 165]
[Figure 166]
[Figure 167]
[Figure 168]
[Figure 169]
[Figure 170]
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* Or Angle of
Of the Triangle M C B, about the Right-Angle C, let the Ho­
rizontal Line B C and the Perpendicular C M be equal; for
ſo the Angle M B C ſhall be Semi-right; and prolonging C M
to D, let there be conſtituted in B two equal Angles above and below
the Diagonal M B, viz. M B E, and M B D. It is to be demonſtrated
that the Amplitudes of the Parabola's deſcribed by the Projects be­
ing emitted [or ſhot off] with the ſame Impetus out of the Term B,
according to the Elevations of the Angles E B C and D B C, are equal.
For in regard that the extern Angle B M C, is equal to the two intern
M D B and M B D, the Angle M B C ſhall alſo be equal to them.
And if
we ſuppoſe M B E inſtead of the Angle M B D,
the ſaid Angle M B C ſhall be equal to the two
157[Figure 157]
Angles M B E and B D C: And taking away
the common Angle M B E, the remaining An­
gle B D C ſhall be equal to the remaining An­
gle E B C: Therefore the Triangles D C B
and B C E are alike.
Let the Right Lines
D C and E C be divided in the midſt in H and
F; and draw H I and F G parallel to the Ho­
rizontal Line C B; and as D H is to H I, ſo
let I H be to H L: the Triangle I H L ſhall be
like to the Triangle I H D, like to which alſo is E G F.
And ſeeing
that I H and G F are equal (to wit, halves of the ſame B C:) There­
fore F E, that is F C, ſhall be equal to H L: And, adding the common
Line F H, C H ſhall be equal to F L.
If therefore we underſtand the Se­
miparabola to be deſcribed along by H and B, whoſe Altitude ſhall be
H C, and Sublimity H L, its Amplitude ſhall be C B, which is double
to HI, that is, the Mean betwixt D H, or C H, and HL: And D B
ſhall be a Tangent to it, the Lines C H and H D being equal.
And if,
again, we conceive the Parabola to be deſcribed along by F and B from
the Sublimity FL, with the Altitude F C, betwixt which the Mean­
proportional is F G, whoſe double is the Horizontal Line C B: C B, as
before, ſhall be its Amplitude; and E B a Tangent to it, ſince E F and
F C are equal: But the Angles D B C and E B C (ſcilicet, their Eleva­
tions) ſhall be equidiſtant from the Semi-Right Angle: Therefore the
Propoſition is demonſtrated.
The Amplitudes of Parabola's, whoſe Altitudes
and Sublimities anſwer to each other è contra­
rio, are equall.

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