Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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The Impetus and Amplitude of a Semiparabola be­
ing given, to find its Altitude, and conſequently
its Sublimity.
Let the Impetus given be defined by the Perpendicular to the Ho­
rizon A B; and let the Amplitude along the Horizontal Line be
B C.
It is required to find the Altitude and Sublimity of the
Parabola whoſe Impetus is A B, and Amplitude B C. It is manifeſt,
from what hath been already demonſtrated, that half the Amplitude B C
will be a Mean-proportional betwixt the Altitude and the Sublimity of
the ſaid Semiparabola, whoſe Impetus, by the precedent Propoſition, is
the ſame with the Impetus of the Moveable falling from Reſt in A along
the whole Perpendicular A B: Wherefore B A is ſo to be cut that the
Rectangle contained by its parts may be equal to the Square of half of
B C, which let be B D.
Hence it appeareth
to be neceſſary that D B do not exceed the
161[Figure 161]
half of B A; for of Rectangles contained by
the parts the greateſt is when the whole
Line is cut into two equal parts.
let B A be divided into two equal parts in E.
And if B D be equal to B E the work is
done; and the Altitude of the Semipara­
bola ſhall be B E, and its Sublimity E A:
(and ſee here by the way that the Amplitude
of the Parabola of a Semi-right Elevation,
as was demonſtrated above, is the greateſt of
all thoſe deſcribed with the ſame Impetus.)
But let B D be leſs than the half of B A,
which is ſo to be cut that the Rectangle under the parts may be equal to
the Square B D.
Upon E A deſcribe a Semicircle, upon which out of A
ſet off A F equal to B D, and draw a Line from F to E, to which cut
a part equal E G.
Now the Rectangle B G A, together with the Square
E G, ſhall be equal to the Square E A; to which the two Squares A F
and F E are alſo equal: Therefore the equal Squares G E and F E be­
ing ſubſtracted, there remaineth the Rectangle B G A equal to the
Square A F, ſcilicet, to B D; and the Line B D is a Mean-proportional
betwixt B G and G A.
Whence it appeareth, that of the Semipa­
rabola whoſe Amplitude is B C, and Impetus A B, the Altitude is
B G, and the Sublimity G A.
And if we ſet off B I below equal to G A,
this ſhall be the Altitude, and I A the Sublimity of the Semiparabola
I C.
From what hath been already demonſtrated we are able,

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