Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              as to have received it for truth; but borrowing it from others, I
              cannot find any reaſon ſufficient to excuſe him for not perceiving
              its fallacies; and eſpecially after he had heard the true cauſe of
              that effect, and had it in his power to ſatisfie himſelf by a thouſand
              experiments, and manifeſt circumſtances, that the ſame proceeded
              from the reflection of the Earth, and from nothing elſe: and the more
              this ſpeculation makes ſomething to be deſired, in the judgment of
              this Author, and of all thoſe who give no credit to it: ſo much the
              more doth their not having underſtood and remembred it, excuſe
              thoſe more receſs Antients, who, I am very certain, did they now
              underſtand it, would without the leaſt repugnance admit thereof.
              <s>And if I may freely tell you what I think, I cannot believe but
              that this
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              doth in his heart believe it; but I rather think,
              that the conceit he ſhould not be the firſt Author thereof, did a
              little move him to endeavour to ſuppreſſe it, or to diſparage it at
              leaſt amongſt the ſimple, whoſe number we know to be very
              great; and many there are, who much more affect the
              rous applauds of the people, than the approbation of a few not
              vulgar judgments.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SAGR. </s>
              <s>Hold good
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              for me thinks, I ſee that you
              go not the way to hit the true mark in this your diſcourſe, for theſe
              that ^{*} confound all propriety, know alſo how to make themſelves
                < n="marg196"/>
              Authors of others inventions, provided they be not ſo ſtale,
              and publick in the Schools and Market-places, as that they are more
              then notorious to every one.</s>
            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg196"/>
              * Tendono le
              te al commune.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>SALV. Ha! well aimed, you blame me for roving from the
              point in hand; but what have you to do with Schools and
                < n="marg197"/>
              kets? </s>
              <s>Is it not all one whether opinions and inventions be new to
              men, or the men new to them? </s>
              <s>If you ^{*} contend about the
              ſteem of the Founders of Sciences, which in all times do ſtart up,
                < n="marg198"/>
              you may make your ſelf their inventor, even to the Alphabet it
              ſelf, and ſo gain admiration amongſt that illiterate rabble; and
              though in proceſſe of time your craft ſhould be perceived, that
              would but little prejudice your deſigne; for that others would
              ſucceed them in maintaining the number of your fautors; but let
              us return to prove to
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              the invalidity of the reaſons of his
              modern Author, in which there are ſeveral falſities,
                < n="marg199"/>
              cies, and incredible Paradoxes. </s>
              <s>And firſt, it is falſe that this
              condary light is clearer about the utmoſt limb than in the middle
              parts, ſo as to form, as it were, a ring or circle more bright than
              the reſt of its ſpace or contence. </s>
              <s>True it is, indeed, that looking
              on the Moon at the time of twilight, at firſt ſight there is the
              ſemblance of ſuch a circle, but by an illuſion ariſing from the
              verſity of confines that bound the Moons
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              which are
              fuſed by means of this ſecondary light; foraſmuch as on the part </s>