Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

Table of figures

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[81] Fig. 77.R V T o
[82] Fig. 78.Z Z Y C M L I E A H D X G F B S Q P N 4 3 2
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page |< < (43) of 237 > >|
9443on PERSPECTIVE. Priſm is greater than the Height of the Eye, the
precedent Method is the ſhorteſt.
Problem IX.
62. To throw a Concave Body into Perſpective.
11Fig. 28.
Having firſt ſound the Perſpective of the ſaid
Body, afterwards find the Appearance of its
Cavity, in conſidering the Cavity as a new
Problem X.
63. To throw a Sphere into Perſpective.
22Fig. 29.
Let A be the Seat of the Centre of the Sphere;
then the Point I the Perſpective of the Centre
muſt be found, and the Line IV drawn to 3350. Point of Sight V.
This being done, raiſe V F per-
pendicular to V I, which make equal to the
Diſtance from the Eye to the perſpective Plane;
and in this Perpendicular continued, take V P
equal to the Diſtance from the Centre of the
Sphere to the perſpective Plane.
Through the
Point P draw P Q parallel to V I cutting a Line
drawn from F through I, in Q;
and about Q as
a Centre, with the Semidiameter of the Sphere,
draw the Circle C B, to which from the Point F,
draw the Tangents F C and F B, cutting the
Line I V in the Points G and E.
On the Line
G E deſcribe the ſemicircle E D T G, wherein
draw the Line G D perpendicular to F I, which
biſect in H, and about H, as a Centre with the Ra-
dius H D, deſcribe the Arc of a Circle, L D R, cut-
ting the Line F I in the Points L and R.
the Chord G T in the Semicircle E D T G equal
to R L, and deſcribe a Semicircle T m G upon
G T;
in which Semicircle draw ſeveral Lines,
as m n Perpendicular to G T;
and cutting

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