Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, An essay on perspective

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9645on PERSPECTIVE. and conſequently to V P. Therefore if the before-
mentioned Plane be ſuppoſed to revolve upon the Line
V I, as an Axis, until it coincides with the Per-
ſpective Plane, the Center of the Sphere will meet
the Perſpective Plane in Q, and the Eye in F;
whence the Part G E of the Line I V is the tranſ-
verſe Diameter of the Ellipſis.
Again let G D E in Figure 30, and g e f, in
11Fig. 30,
Figure 31 repreſent the Points denoted with the ſame
Letters in the foregoing Figure.
Now if the Cone,
whoſe Profile is denoted by the Lines f g and fe be ſup-
poſed to be compleated, and to be cut by a Plane paſ-
ſing through the Line g e perpendicular to the Plane
of the Figure;
we ſhall have an Ellipſis g 4 e 3
ſimilar to that which is the ſought Repreſentation
of the Sphere.
Further if the ſaid Cone be conceived
to be cut by a Plane 14 m 3 parallel to its Baſe,
and biſecting g e in n, it is manifeſt, that 3 4, the
common Section of the Circle 14 m 3, and the Ellip-
ſis g 4 e 3, is the conjugate Axis of the Ellip-
And therefore this conjugate Axis is equal
to the Line 3 4, Perpendicular in the Point n to the
Diameter 1 m of the Circle 14 m 3.
Now draw
the Lines E O and G Y in Figure 30, parallel to
L M, then the Triangles E G Y and E N M are
ſimilar, whence
EG: EN:: GY: NM.
But E G is twice E N; wherefore G Y is alſo the
double of N M, and ſo N M equal to G Z.
the ſame manner we demonſtrate, that L N is equal
to X E;
whence it follows, that G D is equal to
L M, and is ſo cut in z as L M is in N;
and there-
fore R L or G T of Figure 29, is equal to 34 in
Figure 31;
and conſequently equal to the conjugate
Axis of the Ellipſis to be drawn.
On the other
Hand, it is manifeſt by Conſtruction, that ſome one
of the Perpendiculars m n, Figure 29, viz.
which paſſes through the Center of the

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