Song Yingxing, Tian gong kai wu, 1637

Table of contents

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[2.1.2.] 磚
[2.1.3.] 罌甕
[2.1.4.] 白瓷 附青瓷
[2.1.5.] 附:窯變 回青
[2.2.] 冶鑄第八卷
[2.2.8.] 附:鐵錢
[2.3.] 舟車第九卷
[2.3.2.] 漕航
[2.3.3.] 海舟
[2.3.4.] 雜舟
[2.4.] 錘鍛第十卷
[2.4.1.] 治鐵
[2.4.2.] 斤斧
[2.4.3.] 鋤鋪
[2.4.10.] 針
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