Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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168156That the Moon may be a World. habitable; much more then will thoſe places
be ſo, which are farther from any cauſe of
2. The extream thinneſs of it, which may
make it unfit for Expiration.
For if in ſome
Mountains (as Ariſtotle tells us of Olimpus, and
11In Gen.
li. 3. cap. 2.
out of him St.
Auſtin) the Air be ſo thin that Men cannot draw their Breath, unleſs it
were through ſome moiſtned Spunges;
more then muſt that Air be thin, which is more
remotely Situated from the Cauſes of Impuri-
ty and mixture.
And then beſide, the Refra-
ction that is made by the vaporous Air incom-
paſſing our Earth, may ſufficiently prove that
there is a great difference betwixt the Æthereal
Air and this, in reſpect of Rarity.
To the firſt of theſe I anſwer, that tho’ the
ſecond Region, be naturally endowed with ſo
much Coldneſs as may make it fit for the pro-
duction of Meteors;
yet it will not hence fol-
low, that all that Air above it, which is not ap-
pointed for the like purpoſe, ſhould partake
of the ſame Condition:
But, it may ſeem more
probable that this Æthereal Air, is freed from
having any quality in the extreams.
And this
may be confirmed from thoſe common Argu-
ments, which are uſually brought to prove
lib. 1. c. 2.
art. 1.
the warmneſs of the third Region.
As you
may ſee in Fromundus, and others who Treat of that Subject.
’Tis the Aſſertion of Pererius, that the ſe-
in Gen. 1. 8
cond Region is not cold meerly for this reaſon,
becauſe it is diſtant from the Ordinary cauſes of
Heat, but becauſe it was actually made ſo at the
firſt, for the condenſing of the Clouds, and

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