Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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26282That the Earth may be a Planet.
I anſwer: Though Ariſtotle were a Maſter
in the Art of Syllogiſms, and he from whom
he received the Rules of Diſputation;
in this particular, ’tis very plain that he
was deceived with a Fallacy, whilſt his Ar-
gument does but only ſuppoſe that which it
pretend to prove.
That light Bodies do aſcend unto ſome
Circumſerence which is higher and above
the Earth, is plain and undeniable.
that this Circumference is the ſame with that
of the World, or concentrical unto it, can-
not be reaſonably aſſirmed, unleſs he ſup-
poſes the Earth to be in the Centre of the
Univerſe, which is the thing to be pro-
I would fain know from what grounds
our Adverſaries can prove, that the deſcent
of heavy Bodies is to the Centre;
or the
aſcent of light Bodies, to the Circumference
of the World.
The utmoſt experience we
can have in this kind, does but extend to
thoſe things that are upon our Earth, or in
the Air above it.
And alas, what is this
unto the vaſt frame of the whole Univerſe,
but punctulum, ſuch an inſenſible Point,
which does not bear ſo great a proportion
to the whole, as a ſmall Sand does unto the
Wherefore it were a ſenſleſs thing,
from our experience of ſo little a part, to
pronounce any thing inſallibly concerning
the ſcituation of the whole.

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