Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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358178That the Earth may be a Planet. non potuit aut olim ſine provido artifice oriri,
aut conſtare tot ſæculis ſine incola potente, aut
perpetuum gubernari ſine perito &
ſciente re-
ctore, quod ratio ipſa declar at.
Such a great
order and conſtancy amongſt thoſe vaſt Bo-
dies, could not at ſirſt be made, but by a
wiſe Providence, nor ſince preſerved without
a powerful Inhabitant, nor ſo perpetually
governed without a skilful Guide.
True indeed, an ordinary view, and com-
mon apprehenſion of theſe Celeſtial Bodies,
muſt needs manifeſt the Excellency and Om-
nipotency of their Maker;
but yet a more
accurate and diligent enquiry into their Na-
tures, will raiſe our Underſtandings unto a
nearer Knowledg, and greater Admiration
of the Deity.
As it is in thoſe inferior
things, where the meer out-ſide of a Man,
the comelineſs and majeſty of his Counte-
nance, may be ſome Argument from whence
to infer the excellency of his Creator.
yet the ſubtil Anatomiſt, who ſearches more
deeply into this wonderful Structure@ may
ſee a clearer evidence for this, in the conſi-
deration of the inward Fabrick, the Muſ-
cles, Nerves, Membranes;
together with
all thoſe ſecret Contrivances in the Frame of
this little World.
Thus alſo is it in the
great Univerſe, where the common appre-
henſion of things is not at all conſiderable,
in compariſon to thoſe other Diſcoveries,
which may be found out by a more exact
As this Knowledg may conduce to

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