Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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24363That the Earth may be a Planet. riſing of it in the midſt, does ſo intercept
our ſight from either of thoſe places, that
we cannot look in a ſtreight Line from the
one to the other.
So that it may ſeem to be
no leſs than a Miracle, by which the Sea
(being a heavy Body) was with-held from
flowing down to thoſe lower places of B, or
But now, if you conſider that the aſ-
cending of a Body, is its motion from the
and deſcent, is its approaching
unto it:
you ſhall find, that the Sea to move
from D, to B or C, is a motion of Aſcent,
which is contrary to its nature, becauſe the
Mountain at B, or C, are farther off from
the Centre, than the Sea at D, the Lines
A B, and A C, being longer than the other
A D.
So that for the Sea to keep always
in its Channel, is but agreeable to its Na-
ture, as being a heavy Body.
But the mean-
ing of thoſe Scriptures, is, to ſet forth the
Power and Wiſdom of God;
who hath ap-
pointed theſe Channels for it, and beſet it
with ſuch ſtrong Banks, to withſtand the
fury of its waves.
Or if theſe Men do ſo
much rely in natural Points, upon the bare
words of Scripture, they might eaſily be
confuted from thoſe other places, where
God is ſaid to have founded the Earth upon
the Seas, and eſtabliſhed it upon the Floods.
From the literal interpretation of which,
many of the Ancients have fallen into ano-
ther Error;
affirming, the Water to be in
the lower place;
and as a baſis, whereon the
the weight of the Earth was born up.

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