Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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19515That the Earth may be a Planet. of our Philoſophical thirſt, does deſerve ra-
ther to be ſtiled by the name of Modeſty,
than Boldneſs.
And in another place, he
11Met. lib.
12. cap. 8.
refers the Reader to the different Opinions
of Aſtronomers, adviſing him to examin their
ſeveral tenents, as well Eudoxus as Calippus;
and to entertain that (not which is moſt an-
tient, but) which is moſt exact and agree-
able to Reaſon.
And as for Ptolomy, ’tis his
22Alm. lib.
13. cap. 2.
counſel, that we ſhould endeavour to frame
ſuch ſuppoſitions of the Heavens, as might
be more ſimple, being void of all ſuperflui-
And he confeſſes, that his Hypotheſis had
many implications in it, together with ſun-
dry intricate and unlikely turnings;
therefore in the ſame place, he ſeems to ad-
moniſh us, that we ſhould not be too confi-
dent the Heavens were really in the ſame
Form, wherein Aſtronomers did ſuppoſe
So that ’tis likely, ’twas his chief in-
tent to propoſe unto us ſuch a frame of the
Cœleſtial Bodies, from which we might, in
ſome meaſure, conceive of their different ap-
and according to which, we
might be able to calculate their motions.
now, ’tis Copernicus his endeavour, to pro-
pound unto us, the true natural Cauſes of
theſe ſeveral Motions, and Appearances:
It was the intent of the one, to ſettle the
and of the other, to ſatisfie the
So, that we have no reaſon to
doubt of his aſſent unto this Opinion, if he
had but clearly underſtood all the grounds
of it.

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