1following the birds flight with the piece, is his ſomewhat
ting it, taking his aim before it; as alſo his ſhooting (as I believe)
not with one bullet, but with many ſmall balls (called ſhot) the
which ſcattering in the air poſſeſs a great ſpace; and alſo the
treme velocity wherewith theſe ſhot, being diſcharged from the
Gun, go towards the bird.
ting it, taking his aim before it; as alſo his ſhooting (as I believe)
not with one bullet, but with many ſmall balls (called ſhot) the
which ſcattering in the air poſſeſs a great ſpace; and alſo the
treme velocity wherewith theſe ſhot, being diſcharged from the
Gun, go towards the bird.
SALV. See how far the winged wit of Sagredus anticipateth,
and out-goeth the dulneſs of mine; which perhaps would have
light upon theſe diſparities, but not without long ſtudie. Now
turning to the matter in hand, there do remain to be conſidered
by us the ſhots at point blank, towards the Eaſt and towards the
Weſt; the firſt of which, if the Earth did move, would always
happen to be too high above the mark, and the ſecond too low;
foraſmuch as the parts of the Earth Eaſtward, by reaſon of the
urnal motion, do continually deſcend beneath the tangent paralel
to the Horizon, whereupon the Eaſtern ſtars to us appear to aſcend;
and on the contrary, the parts Weſtward do more and more
cend, whereupon the Weſtern ſtars do in our ſeeming deſcend:
and therefore the ranges which are leveled according to the ſaid
tangent at the Oriental mark, (which whilſt the ball paſſeth
along by the tangent deſcendeth) ſhould prove too high, and the
Occidental too low by means of the elevation of the mark, whilſt
the ball paſſeth along the tangent. The anſwer is like to the reſt:
for as the Eaſtern mark goeth continually deſcending, by reaſon
of the Earths motion, under a tangent that continueth
able; ſo likewiſe the piece for the ſame reaſon goeth continually
inclining, and with its mounture purſuing the ſaid mark: by
which means the ſhot proveth true.
and out-goeth the dulneſs of mine; which perhaps would have
light upon theſe diſparities, but not without long ſtudie. Now
turning to the matter in hand, there do remain to be conſidered
by us the ſhots at point blank, towards the Eaſt and towards the
Weſt; the firſt of which, if the Earth did move, would always
happen to be too high above the mark, and the ſecond too low;
foraſmuch as the parts of the Earth Eaſtward, by reaſon of the
urnal motion, do continually deſcend beneath the tangent paralel
to the Horizon, whereupon the Eaſtern ſtars to us appear to aſcend;
and on the contrary, the parts Weſtward do more and more
cend, whereupon the Weſtern ſtars do in our ſeeming deſcend:
and therefore the ranges which are leveled according to the ſaid
tangent at the Oriental mark, (which whilſt the ball paſſeth
along by the tangent deſcendeth) ſhould prove too high, and the
Occidental too low by means of the elevation of the mark, whilſt
the ball paſſeth along the tangent. The anſwer is like to the reſt:
for as the Eaſtern mark goeth continually deſcending, by reaſon
of the Earths motion, under a tangent that continueth
able; ſo likewiſe the piece for the ſame reaſon goeth continually
inclining, and with its mounture purſuing the ſaid mark: by
which means the ſhot proveth true.
The anſwer to the
Argument taken
from the ſhots at
point blanck
wards the Eaſt &
Argument taken
from the ſhots at
point blanck
wards the Eaſt &
But here I think it a convenient opportunity to give notice of
certain conceſſions, which are granted perhaps over liberally by
the followers of Copernicus unto their Adverſaries: I mean of
yielding to them certain experiments for ſure and certain, which
yet the Adverſaries themſelves had never made tryal of: as for
example, that of things falling from the round-top of a ſhip whilſt
it is in motion, and many others; amongſt which I verily believe,
that this of experimenting whether the ſhot made by a Canon
wards the Eaſt proveth too high, and the Weſtern ſhot too low,
is one: and becauſe I believe that they have never made tryal
thereof, I deſire that they would tell me what difference they
think ought to happen between the ſaid ſhots, ſuppoſing the Earth
moveable, or ſuppoſing it moveable; and let Simplieius for this
time anſwer for them.
certain conceſſions, which are granted perhaps over liberally by
the followers of Copernicus unto their Adverſaries: I mean of
yielding to them certain experiments for ſure and certain, which
yet the Adverſaries themſelves had never made tryal of: as for
example, that of things falling from the round-top of a ſhip whilſt
it is in motion, and many others; amongſt which I verily believe,
that this of experimenting whether the ſhot made by a Canon
wards the Eaſt proveth too high, and the Weſtern ſhot too low,
is one: and becauſe I believe that they have never made tryal
thereof, I deſire that they would tell me what difference they
think ought to happen between the ſaid ſhots, ſuppoſing the Earth
moveable, or ſuppoſing it moveable; and let Simplieius for this
time anſwer for them.
The followers of
Copernicus too
freely admit
tain propoſitions for
true, which are
very doubtfull.
Copernicus too
freely admit
tain propoſitions for
true, which are
very doubtfull.
SIMP. I will not undertake to anſwer ſo confidently as another
more intelligent perhaps might do; but ſhall ſpeak what thus upon
the ſudden I think they would reply; which is in effect the ſame
more intelligent perhaps might do; but ſhall ſpeak what thus upon
the ſudden I think they would reply; which is in effect the ſame