Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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170158That the Moon may be a World. ters do hang there after ſuch a ſtupendious in-
conceivable manner;
which ſeems likewiſe to
be favoured by Scripture, where ’tis mentio-
ned as a great Argument of Gods Omnipoten-
cy, that he holds up the Clouds from falling.
He binds up the Waters in his thick Glouds, and
11Job. 26. 8. the Glouds is not rent under them.
But that which unto me ſeems full ſatisfacti-
on againſt this doubt, is this Conſideration;
that the natural vigor, whereby the Earth doth
attract denſe bodies unto it, is leſs efficacious
at a diſtance:
and therefore a Body of leſs
denſity, which is near unto it, as ſuppoſe, this
thin Air wherein we breath, may naturally be
lower in its Scituation, than another of a grea-
ter condenſity that is farther off;
as ſuppoſe,
the Clouds in the ſecond Region.
And tho
the one be abſolutely, and in it ſelf more fit
for this Motion of deſcent;
yet, by reaſon of
its diſtance, the Earths magnetical Virtue can-
not ſo powerfully work upon it.
As for that Relation of Ariſtotle; if it were
yet it does not prove this Air to be al-
together impoſſible, ſince moiſtned Spunges
might help us againſt its thinneſs:
but ’tis more
likely, that he took it upon Truſt, as he did
ſome other Relations concerning the height of
of the Mountains, wherein ’tis evident, that
he was groſly miſtaken.
As where he tells us
of Gaucaſus, that it caſt its ſhadow 560 Miles.
l. 1. c. 11.
And this Relation being of the ſame nature, we
cannot ſafely truſt unto him for the Truth of it.
If it be here enquired; what means there
may be conjectur’d, for our aſcending beyond
the Sphere of the Earths Magnetical Vigor.

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