Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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20929That the Earth may be a Planet. but a Point of this Globe of Earth: therefore
the words cannot be underſtood properly,
but according to appearance.
'Tis proba-
11Toſtat. irs
Quaſt. 16,
in locum.
ble that Joſhua was then at Azecha, a little
Eaſt from Gibeon, and the Sun being ſome-
what beyond the Meridian, did ſeem unto
him, as he was in that place, to be over
againſt Gibeon;
and in reference to this ap-
pearance, and vulgar conceit, does he com-
mand it to ſtand ſtill upon that place.
(2.) And ſo, ſecondly, for that other ex-
And thou Moon in the Valley of Aja-
This Planet was now a little Eaſt from
the Sun, it being about three or four days
old, as Commentators gueſs.
Ajalon was
22Toſtat: it.
Quæſt. 18.
in Joſh. IO.
Quæſt. 21,
three miles from Gibeon Eaſtward, and Fo-
ſhua commanded the Moon to ſtand ſtill
becauſe unto him it did then ſeem to
be over againſt that Valley;
whereas, ’tis cer-
tain, if he had been there himſelf, it would
ſtill have ſeemed to be as much diſtant from
Juſt as Men commonly ſpeak in ſhew-
ing another the Stars;
we point to a Star
over ſuch a Chimney, or ſuch a Tree, be-
cauſe to us it appears ſo;
whereas the Star
in it ſelf is not ſenſibly more over them, than
it is over us.
So that in this phraſe likewiſe
the Holy Ghoſt doth conform himſelf unto
the appearance of things, and our groſſer
(3.) And the Sun ſtood ſtill in the midſt of
Now to ſpeak properly, and as
the thing is in it ſelf, Heaven has no midſt
but the Centre;
and therefore, this

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