Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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145133That the Moon may be a World. fore in another place he calls it a Terreſtrial
Star, and an Olympian and Celeſtial Earth;
anſwerable, as I conceive, to the Paradiſe of
the School-Men.
And, that Paradiſe was ei-
ther in, or near the Moon, is the Opinion of
ſome later Writers, who deriv’d it in all like-
lyhood, from the Aſſertion of Plato, and per-
haps this of Plutarch.
Toſtatus lays this Opini-
on upon Iſiodor, Hiſpalenſis, and the Venerable
11SirW. Raw.
l.1.c. 3 ſect.
In geneſ.
and Pererius Fathers it upon Strabus and
Rabanus his Maſter.
Some would have it to
be ſituated in ſuch a place as could not be diſ-
cover’d, which caus’d the Pen-man of Eſdras
to make it a harder matter to know the out-go-
ings of Paradiſe, than to weigh the weight of the
Fire, or meaſure the blaſts of the Wind, or call
222 Eſdr.4.7. again a day that is paſt.
But notwithſtanding
this, there be ſome others, who think, that it
is on the Top of ſome high Mountain under
the Line;
and theſe interpreted the Torrid
Zone to be the flaming Sword whereby Para-
diſe was guarded.
’Tis the conſent of divers
others, that Paradiſe is ſituated in ſome high &

eminent place.
So Toſtatus, Eſt etiam Paradiſus ſi-
tu altiſſima, ſupra omnem terræ altitudinem.
‘radiſe is ſituated in ſome high place above
‘the Earth;
and therefore in his Comment up-
on the 49 of Geneſis, he underſtands the Bleſ-
33In Genef. ſing of Jacob, concerning the everlaſting Hills
to be meant of Paradiſe, and the Bleſſing it
ſelf to be nothing elſe but a Promiſe of Chriſts
coming, by whoſe Paſſion the Gates of Para-
diſe ſhould be opened.
Unto him aſſented
Rupertus, Scotus, and moſt of the other School-
Men, as I find them cited by Pererius, and

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