Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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284104That the Earth may be a Planet. anſwerable to the ſeveral diſtances of the
Planets from one another.
Thus a Cube will meaſure the diſtance be-
twixt Saturn and Jupiter;
a Pyramis or Te-
traëdron, the diſtance betwixt Jupiter and
Mars ;
a Dodecaëdron, the diſtance betwixt
Mars and the Earth;
an Icoſaëdron, the diſtance
betwixt the Earth &
Venus; and an Octoëdron,
the diſtance betwixt Venus &
Mercury: that
is, if we conceive a Circumference deſcri-
bed immediately without the Cube, and a-
nother within it, the diſtance between theſe
two, will ſhew what proportional diſtance
there is betwixt the Orb of Saturn, and
that of Jupiter.
Thus alſo, if you con-
ceive a Circumference deſcribed on the out-
ſide of a Pyramis, or Tetraëdron, and ano-
ther within it, this will ſhew ſuch a propor-
tional diſtance, as there is betwixt the Orb
of Mars, from that of Jupiter.
And ſo of
the reſt.
Now if any ask why there are but ſix
Planetary Orbs?
Keplar anſwers, Zuia non
oportet plures quàm quinque proportiones eſſe,
totidem nempè quot regularia ſunt in Matheſi
Sex autem termini conſummant hunc
proportionum numerum:
Becauſe there are
but five proportions, ſo many as there are
regular Bodies in Mathematicks, each of
whoſe Sides and Angles are equal one to
But now there are ſix terms re-
quired to conſummate this number of pro-
and ſo conſequently, there can
be but ſix primary Planets.

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