Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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25070That the Earth may be a Planet.
Another proof like unto this, is taken
from St.
Peter, Epiſt. 2. Cap. 3. v. 5. where
he ſpeaks of the Earth ſtanding out of the
Water, and in the Water, {γῆ} συνεςῶσα;
and therefore the Earth is immoveable.
I anſwer: ’Tis evident that the word
here is equivalent with fuit:
and the ſcope
of the Apoſtle is, to ſhew, that God made
all the Earth;
both that which was above
the Water, and that which was under it.
So that from this expreſſion, to collect the
reſt and immobility of the Earth, would be
fuch an Argument as this other.
Such a
Man made that part of a Mill-wheel;
or a
Ship, which ſtands below the Water, and
that part which ſtands above the Water;

therefore thoſe things are immoveable.
To ſuch vain and idle Conſequences, does
the heat of Oppoſition drive our Adver-
A third Argument, ſtronger than either
of the former, they conceive may be col-
111 Chron.
Item 96.
lected from thoſe Scriptures:
where ’tis ſaid, The VVorld is eſtabliſhed, that it cannot
be moved.
To which, I anſwer: Theſe places ſpeak
of the World in general, and not particu-
larly of our Earth;
and therefore may as
well prove the immobility of the Heavens,
they being the greateſt part of the World;
in compariſon to which, our Earth is but as
an inſenſible Point.
If you reply, that the word in theſe pla-
ces is to be underſtood by a Synechdoche,

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