Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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316136That the Earth may be a Planet. along by the ſame motion. And therefore,
though what he ſays concerning the heat,
which would be produced by ſuch a moti-
on, vvere true;
yet it vvould not be perti-
nent, ſince our Earth and Water, and the
Air next unto them, are not by this means
ſevered from one another, and ſo do not
come vvithin the compaſs of this Argu-
If any reply, That this vvill notwith-
ſtanding hold true, concerning the upper
part of the Air, vvhere there is ſuch a ſe-
paration of one Body from another;
ſo conſequently, an anſvverable heat.
I an-
1. ’Tis not generally granted, That mo-
tion in all kind of Bodies does produce heat;
ſome reſtrain it only to ſolid Bodies; af-
firming, That in thoſe vvhich are fluid, it
is rather the cauſe of coldneſs.
This is the
reaſon (ſay they) vvhy running Waters
are ever to our ſenſe the cooleſt:
And vvhy
amongſt thoſe Winds vvhich proceed from
the ſame Coaſts of Heaven, about the ſame
time of the Year, the ſtrongeſt alvvays is
the coldeſt?
If you object, that running
Waters are not ſo ſoon frozen as others:

They anſvver, This is not becauſe they are
thereby heated;
but becauſe unto congela-
tion, it is requiſite that a Body ſhould ſettle
and reſt, as vvell as be cold.
2. If vve ſhould grant a moderate heat
in thoſe parts of the Air, vve have not any
experiment to the contrary, nor vvould

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