Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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293113That the Earth may be a Planet. about by its meer motion, (if there were
nothing elſe) ſo little a part of the adjoin-
ing Air, as is here repreſented:
And yet,
1. The diſproportion betwixt the thick-
neſs of the Earth, and this Orb of Air, is
far greater than could be expreſt in the Fi-
gure, being but as twenty miles, which is
at moſt the thickneſs of this Air, unto 3456
miles, which is the Semidiameter of our
Earth, and ſo is but as an inſenſible number
in reſpect of this other.
2. Beſides the meer motion of the Earth,
which in probability (being ſuch a rugged
Body) might be enough to carry ſo little a
part of the Air along with it;
there is alſo
(as we ſuppoſe) a magnetical vigour which
proceeds from it, whereby ’tis more able to
make all things that are near unto it, to ob-
ſerve the ſame Revolution.
But if it be ſo (ſaith Alex. Roſſ.) 11Lib. 1.
ſect. 1. c. 5.
not only the Man, but the Medium alſo, and
the Object be moved, this muſt needs be
ſuch a great hindrance to the ſight, that the
Eye cannot judg exactly of any thing.
ſuppoſe the Man alone to be in a motion, he
could not ſee ſo well as when he is ſtill;
now, if not only he, but his Spectacles,
and Book, were all moved, he would not
be able to diſcern any thing diſtinctly.
I anfwer: The Conſequence were perti-
nent, if all theſe were ſeveral motions:
if the Subject, and Medium, and Object,
were all carried with one and the ſame equal
motion, (as it is here ſuppoſed) this

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