294114That the Earth may be a Planet.
be no impediment to the Act of ſeeing, but
it would be all one with the reſt; becauſe
by this means, they are not ſevered from
one another; and therefore the ſpecies are
not diſturbed. ’Tis an excellent ſaying of
Gallilæus, and may ſerve for the 11Syſt.
Colloq. 2. on of many ſuch Doubts as theſe; Motus
eatenus tanquàm motus operatur, quatenus rela-
tionem habet ad eas res quæ ipſo deſtituuntur; in
iis verò rebus, quæ totæ æqualiter de eo partici-
pant, nibil operatur, & ita ſe habet ac ſi nul-
lus eſſet. If a Man be within ſome Room of
a Ship, he may read altogether as eaſily
when the Ship moves, as when it ſtands
it would be all one with the reſt; becauſe
by this means, they are not ſevered from
one another; and therefore the ſpecies are
not diſturbed. ’Tis an excellent ſaying of
Gallilæus, and may ſerve for the 11Syſt.
Colloq. 2. on of many ſuch Doubts as theſe; Motus
eatenus tanquàm motus operatur, quatenus rela-
tionem habet ad eas res quæ ipſo deſtituuntur; in
iis verò rebus, quæ totæ æqualiter de eo partici-
pant, nibil operatur, & ita ſe habet ac ſi nul-
lus eſſet. If a Man be within ſome Room of
a Ship, he may read altogether as eaſily
when the Ship moves, as when it ſtands
Another Argument againſt this circular
motion of the Earth, is grounded upon that
common Principle amongſt the Ariſtotelians;
Vnius corporis ſimplicis unus tantùm eſt motus:
One kind of Body, has but one kind of Mo-
tion. But now, the Earth and Water hath
a motion of deſcent: the Air, a motion of
aſcent; and therefore none of them can
have any circular motion natural unto
motion of the Earth, is grounded upon that
common Principle amongſt the Ariſtotelians;
Vnius corporis ſimplicis unus tantùm eſt motus:
One kind of Body, has but one kind of Mo-
tion. But now, the Earth and Water hath
a motion of deſcent: the Air, a motion of
aſcent; and therefore none of them can
have any circular motion natural unto
I anſwer:
Firſt, Theſe right Motions of
Elementary Bodies, belong only to the parts
of them, and that too when they are out of
their proper places; ſo that the whole to
which they belong, may, notwithſtanding
this, have another Motion of its own. But,
ſecondly, this ſaying which Ariſtotle calls a
Principle, will not conſiſt with other evi-
dent Experiments of Nature. Thus,
Elementary Bodies, belong only to the parts
of them, and that too when they are out of
their proper places; ſo that the whole to
which they belong, may, notwithſtanding
this, have another Motion of its own. But,
ſecondly, this ſaying which Ariſtotle calls a
Principle, will not conſiſt with other evi-
dent Experiments of Nature. Thus,