Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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362182That the Earth may be a Planet. would become of that mutual Commerce,
whereby the World is now made but as one
Voſq; mediis in aquis Stellæ, pelagoq; timendo,
Decretum monſtratis iter, totiq;
Legibus inventis hominum, commercia mundo.
’Tis you bright Stars, that in the fearful Sea
Does guide the Pilot through his purpos’d way.
’Tis your direction that doth Commerce give,
With all thoſe Men that thro’ the World do live.
2. As this Science is thus profitable in theſe
and many other reſpects:
ſo likewiſe is it
equally pleaſant.
The Eye (ſaith the Phi-
loſopher) is the ſenſe of Pleaſure, and
there are no delights ſo pure and immate-
rial, as thoſe which enter through that
Now to the Underſtanding, which
is the Eye of the Soul, there cannot be any
fairer proſpect, than to view the whole Frame
of Nature, the Fabrick of this great Vni-
verſe, to diſcern that order and comelineſs
which there is in the magnitude, ſituation, mo-
11Wiſd. 7.
18, 19.
tion of the ſeveral parts that belong unto it;
to ſee the true cauſe of that conſtant varie-
ty and alteration which there is in the diffe-
rent Seaſons of the Year.
All which muſt
needs enter into a Man’s thoughts, with a
great deal of ſweetneſs and complacency.

And therefore it was that Julius Cæſar, in
the Broils and Tumult of the Camp, made
choice of his delight:

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