Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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7058That the Moon may be a World.
But, in my following Diſcourſe, I ſhall moſt
inſiſt on the Obſervation of Galilæus, the In-
ventor of that Famous Perſpective, whereby
we may diſcern the Heavens hard by us;
by thoſe things which others have formerly
gueſt at, are manifeſted to the Eye, and plain-
ly diſcover’d beyond exception or doubt;
which admirable invention, theſe latter Ages of
the World may juſtly Boaſt, and for this, ex-
pect to be Celebrated by Poſterity.
’Tis re-
lated of Eudoxus, that he wiſhed himſelf burnt
with Phaeton, ſo he might ſtand over the Sun
to contemplate itsNature;
had he liv’d in theſe
days, he might have enjoyed his wiſh at an ea-
ſier rate, and ſcaling the Heavens by this Glaſs,
might plainly have diſcern’d what he ſo much
Keplar conſidering thoſe ſtrange diſ-
coveries which this Perſpective had made,
could not chooſe but cry out in a Πρ ηοΠ ποΠΗα &

Rapture of Admiration, O multiſcium &
11De macula
in ſole obſer.
vis ſceptro pretioſus perſpicillum! an qui te dexte-
râ tenet, ille non dominus conſtituatur operum Dei?
And Foannes Fabricius, an Elegant Writer,
ſpeaking oſ the ſame Glaſs, and for this In-
vention, preferring our Age beſore thoſe for-
mer Times of greater Ignorance, ſays thus;

Adeo ſumus ſuperiors veteribus, ut quam illi car-
minis magici pronunciatu demiſſam repreſentâſſe
putantur, nos non tantum innocenter demittamus,
ſed etiam familiari quodam intuitu ejus quaſi con-
ditionem intueamur.
‘So much are we above
‘ the Ancients, that whereas they were fain
‘ by their Magical Charms to repreſent the
‘ Moons approach, we cannot only bring her
‘ lower with a greater Innocence, but may

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