345165That the Earth may be a Planet.
15[Figure 15]
Suppoſe the Earth to be at C, then the
Sun at A, will ſeem to be in the Sign ♋, and
at the greateſt diſtance from us, becauſe the
Earth is then in the fartheſt parts of its Ec-
centrick. When after, by its Annual Moti-
on, it hath paſſed ſucceſſively by the Signs
♒ ♓ ♈ ♉ ♊, at length it comes to the other
Solſtice at B, where the Sun will appear in ♑,
and ſeem biggeſt, as being in its Perigie, be-
cauſe our Earth is then in the neareſt part of
its Eccentrick.
Sun at A, will ſeem to be in the Sign ♋, and
at the greateſt diſtance from us, becauſe the
Earth is then in the fartheſt parts of its Ec-
centrick. When after, by its Annual Moti-
on, it hath paſſed ſucceſſively by the Signs
♒ ♓ ♈ ♉ ♊, at length it comes to the other
Solſtice at B, where the Sun will appear in ♑,
and ſeem biggeſt, as being in its Perigie, be-
cauſe our Earth is then in the neareſt part of
its Eccentrick.
As for all other Appearances of the Sun,
which concern the Annual Motion, you may
ſee by the following Figure, that they are
exactly agreeable to this Hypotheſis.
which concern the Annual Motion, you may
ſee by the following Figure, that they are
exactly agreeable to this Hypotheſis.