Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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347167That the Earth may be a Planet. that Hemiſphere muſt be involved in darkneſs,
which did before partake of Light.
thoſe Parallels towards the North and South
Poles, will ſtill be divided by the ſame ine-
But thoſe bigger parts, which were
before enlightned, will now be darkned, &

vice verſa.
As when the Earth was in N, the
Artick Circle MN was wholly enlightned,
and the Antartick KL altogether in the
So now, when it is in A, the Antar-
tick KL, will be wholly in the Light, and
the other MN, altogether obſcured.
as the Sun before was vertical to the Inhabi-
tants at the Tropick FG.
So now is he in the
ſame ſcituation to thoſe that live under the
other Tropick HI.
And whereas before the
Pole did incline 23 degrees 30 minutes to-
wards the Sun, ſo now does it recline as much
from him.
The whole difference will amount
to 47 degrees, which is the diſtance of one
Tropick from the other.
But now, in the two other Figures, when
the Earth is in either of the Equinoctials ♈ ♎,
the Circle of Illumination will paſs through
both the Poles;
and thereſore muſt divide
all the Parallels into equal parts.
whence it will follow, that the Day and
Night muſt then be equal in all places of the
As the Earth is here repreſented in ♎, it
turns only the enlightned part towards us;
as it is in ♈, we ſee its Nocturnal Hemiſphere.
So that according to this Hypotbeſis, we
may eaſily and exactly reconcile every

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