Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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26383That the Earth may be a Planet.
The Arguments from Aſtronomy, are
chieſly theſe four;
each of which are boaſt-
ed of to be unanſwerable.
Arg. 1. The Horizon does every where
divide all the great Circles of a Sphere in-
to two equal parts :
So there is always half
the Equinoctial above it, and half below.
Thus likewiſe, there will conſtantly be ſix
Signs oſ the Zodiack above the Horizon, and
other ſix below it.
And beſides, the Circles
of the Heaven and Earth, are each way
proportionable to one another;
as fifteen
German miles on the Earth, are every where
agreeable to one Degree in the Heavens;
one Hour in the Earth, is correſpondent to
fifteen Degrees in the Equator.
From whence
it may be inferred, that the Earth muſt ne-
ceſſarily be ſcituated in the midſt of theſe
and ſo conſequently, in the Centre
of the World.
I anſwer : This Argument does rightly
prove the Earth to be in the midſt of theſe
Circles :
But we cannot hence conclude, that
it is in the Centre of the World:
from which,
tho it were never ſo much diſtant, yet would
it ſtill remain in the midſt of thoſe Circles,
becauſe it is the Eye that imagines them to
be deſcribed about it.
Wherefore it were a
weak and prepoſterous Collection, to argue
thus, That the Earth is in the Centre of the
World, becauſe in the midſt of thoſe Cir-
or becauſe the Parts and Degrees of
the Earth, are anſwerable in proportion to
the Parts and Degrees in Heaven.

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