Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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5038That the Moon may be a World. However, the World would have no great
Loſs in being depriv'd of this Muſick, unleſs
at ſome times we had the priviledge to hear
Then indeed Philo the Jew thinks it would
ſave us the Charges of Dyet, and we might
11De ſomniis. Live at an eaſier Rate, by feeding on the Ear
only, and receiving no other Nouriſhment;
and for this very Reaſon (ſays he) was Moſes
Enabled to tarry Forty Days and Forty Nights
in the Mount without eating any thing, be-
cauſe he there heard the Melody of the Hea-
-Riſum teneatis. I know this Muſick
hath had great Patrons, both Sacred and Pro-
phane Authors,ſuch as Ambroſe, Bede, Boetius,
Aneſelme, Plato, Cicero, and others;
but be-
cauſe it is not now, I think, Affirm'd by any,
I ſhall not therefore beſtow eìther Pains or
Time in arguing againſt it.
It may ſuffice that I have only Named theſe
Three laſt, and for the two more neceſſary,
have referred the Reader to others for ſatis-
I ſhall in the next place Proceed to
the Nature of the Moons Body, to know whe-
ther that be Capable of any ſuch Conditions,
as may make it poſſible to be Inhabited, and
what thoſe Qualities are wherein it more near-
ly Agrees with our Earth.
That the Moon is a Solid, Compacted, Opacous
I Shall not need to ſtand long in the Proof of
this Propoſition, ſince it is a Truth

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