Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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23353That the Earth may be a Planet. prived of this Light (as thoſe other Speeches
ſeem to imply) but we.
In reference to this, likewiſe are we to
conceive of thoſe other expreſſions, that the
Moon ſhall bluſh, and the Sun be aſhamed,
24. 23. That they ſhall be turned into
Blood, Matth.
24. 29. Not that theſe things
ſhall be ſo in themſelves, (ſaith S.
in Joel 3.
but becauſe they ſhall appear ſo unto us.
Thus alſo, Mark 13. 25. The Stars ſhall fall
from Heaven;
that is, they ſhall be ſo whol-
ly covered from our ſight, as if they were
quite fallen from their wonted places.
if this be underſtood of their real Fall, as
it may ſeem probable by that place in Rev.

13. And the Stars of Heaven fell unto the
Earth, even as a Fig-tree caſteth her untimely
Figs, when ſhe is ſhaken by a mighty Wind:

then it is to be interpreted, not of them
that are truly Stars, but them that ap-
pear ſo:
alluding unto the opinion of the
unskilful Vulgar, (ſaith Sanctius) 22Commen.
in Iſa. 13. 5
think the Meteors to be Stars.
And 33Commen.
in Gen. 3.
v. 10. art. 6.
ſennus, ſpeaking of the ſame Scripture, ſays,
Hoc de veris Stellis minimè volunt interpretes
intelligi, ſed de Cometis &
aliis ignitis Meteo-
Interpreters do by no means under-
ſtand this of true Stars, but of the Comets,
and other fiery Meteors.
Though the fal-
ling of theſe be a natural event, yet may it
be accounted a ſtrange Prodigy, as well as
an Earthquake, and the darkning of the Sun
and Moon, which are mentioned in the verſe

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