4937That the Moon may be a World.
one Medium, and thereſore between thoſe
two Oppoſite Elements of Earth and Water,
it may ſeem more convenient to place only
the Air, which ſhall partake of Middle Qua-
lities different from both.
two Oppoſite Elements of Earth and Water,
it may ſeem more convenient to place only
the Air, which ſhall partake of Middle Qua-
lities different from both.
Fire does not ſeem ſo properly and di-
115 rectly to be oppos'd to any thing as Ice; and
if the one be not an Element, why ſhould the
115 rectly to be oppos'd to any thing as Ice; and
if the one be not an Element, why ſhould the
If you object that the Fire which we com-
monly uſe, does always tend upwards. I an-
ſwer, This cannot prove that there is a natu-
ral place for ſuch an Element, ſince our Ad-
verſaries do grant, that culinary and elementary
Fire are of different kinds. The one does
Burn, Shine, and Corrupt its Subjects; the
other diſagrees from it in all theſe reſpects:
And therefore from the Aſcent of the one, we
cannot properly infer the Being or Scituation
of the other.
monly uſe, does always tend upwards. I an-
ſwer, This cannot prove that there is a natu-
ral place for ſuch an Element, ſince our Ad-
verſaries do grant, that culinary and elementary
Fire are of different kinds. The one does
Burn, Shine, and Corrupt its Subjects; the
other diſagrees from it in all theſe reſpects:
And therefore from the Aſcent of the one, we
cannot properly infer the Being or Scituation
of the other.
But for your further Satisfaction herein,
you may peruſe Gardan; Foannes Pena that
Learned Frenchman, the Noble Tycho, with
divers others, who have purpoſely Handled
this Propoſition.
you may peruſe Gardan; Foannes Pena that
Learned Frenchman, the Noble Tycho, with
divers others, who have purpoſely Handled
this Propoſition.
I might add a Third, viz.
that there is no
223 Muſick of the Spheres; for if they be not
Solid, how can their Motion cauſe any ſuch
Sound as is Conceiv'd? I do the rather meddle
with this, becauſe Plutarch ſpeaks as if a Man
might very conveniently hear that Harmony,
if he were an Inhabitant in the Moon. But I
gueſs that he ſaid this out of Incogitancy, and
did not well conſider theſe neceſſary Conſe-
quences which depend upon his Opinion.
223 Muſick of the Spheres; for if they be not
Solid, how can their Motion cauſe any ſuch
Sound as is Conceiv'd? I do the rather meddle
with this, becauſe Plutarch ſpeaks as if a Man
might very conveniently hear that Harmony,
if he were an Inhabitant in the Moon. But I
gueſs that he ſaid this out of Incogitancy, and
did not well conſider theſe neceſſary Conſe-
quences which depend upon his Opinion.