Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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19717That the Earth may be a Planet. truth; and that, for the embracing of ſuch a
Paradox as is condemned in Schools, and
commonly cried down, as being abſurd and
I ſay, If a Man do but well con-
ſider all this, he muſt needs conclude, that
there is ſome ſtrong evidence for it to be
found out by examination;
and that in all
probability, this is the righter ſide.
’Tis probable, that moſt of thoſe Authors
117 Conſid. who have oppoſed this Opinion, ſince it hath
been conſirmed by new Diſcoveries, were
ſtirred up thereunto by ſome of theſe three
inſufficient Grounds.
1. An over-fond and partial conceit of
their proper Inventions.
Every Man is na-
turally more affected to his own Brood, than
to that of which another is the Author;
though perhaps it may be more agreeable to
’Tis very difficult for any one, in
the ſearch of Truth, to find in himſelf ſuch
an indifferency, as that his Judgment is not
at all ſway’d, by an overweening affection
unto that which is proper unto himſelf.
this perhaps might be the firſt reaſon that
moved the noble Tycho, with ſo much heat,
to oppoſe Copernicus, that ſo he might the
better make way for the ſpreading of that
Hypotheſis, which was of his own invention.

To this I might likewiſe refer that Opinion
of Origanus, and Mr.
Carpenter, who attri-
bute to the Earth, only a diurnal Revolution.

It does more eſpecially concern thoſe Men
that are Leaders of ſeveral ſides, to beat
down any that ſhould oppoſe them.

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