Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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357177That the Earth may be a Planet.
Os homini ſublime dedit, Celumq; tueri
Juſſit, &
erectos ad Sydera tollere vultus.
God gave to Man an upright Face, that be
Might view the Stars, and learn Aſtronomy.
2. Conſider it in reference to us, and ſo
it is;
1. Moſt Uſeful.
2. Moſt Pleaſant.
1. Moſt Uſeful, and that in ſundry re-
It proves a God and a Providence,
and incites our Hearts to a greater admira-
tion and fear of his Omnipotency.
We may
underſt and by the Heavens, bow much mightier
he is that made them;
for by the greatneſs and
beauty of the Creatures, proportionably the Maker
of them is ſeen, ſaith the Book of Wiſdom, Ch.
13. 4,5. ’Twas hence Ariſtotle fetch’d his chief
Argument to prove a primus Motor.
the conſideration of theſe things that ſirſt led
Men to the Knowledg and Worſhip of God,
(ſaith Tully);
Hæc nos primum ad 11Tuſcul. 1
Item Plut.
de Plæcit.
Phil. l. 1.
c 6.
rum cultum, tum ad modeſtiam, magnitudinemq;
animi erudivit. And therefore when God by
the Prophet, would convince the People of
his Deity, he bids them lift up their Eyes on
and behold who hath created thoſe things,
that bringeth out their Hoſt by Number, that
calleth them all by their Names, &
c. Iſa. 40. 26.
Which occaſioned that ſaying of Laetantius;

Tanta rerum magnitudo, tanta diſpoſitio, tanta
22Inſtit. l. 2.
in ſervandis ordinibus, temporibuſq;

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