Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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9583That the Moon may be a World. vaſt Houſes as were requiſite for their Bodies,
they are fain to dig great and round hollows in
the Earth, where they may both procure water
11Kep. ap-
pend. Sele-
for their Thirſt, &
turning about with the ſhade,
may avoid thoſe great Heats which other wiſe
they would be liable unto, or if you will give
Gæſar la Galla leave to gueſs in the ſame man-
ner, he would rather think that thoſe Thirſty
Nations caſt up ſo many, and ſo great heaps of
Earth in digging of their Wine Cellars;
this only by the way.
I ſhall next produce Eye-witneſs of Galelæus,
on which I moſt of all depend for the proof of
this Propoſition, when he beheld the new Moon
through his perſpective, it appeared to him un-
der a Rugged and Spotted Figure, ſeeming to
have the darker and enlightned parts divided
by a Tortuous Line, having ſome Parcels of
Light at a good diſtance from the other;
this difference is ſo remarkable, that you may
eaſily perceive it through one of thoſe ordina-
ry Perſpectives, which are commonly ſold a-
mongſt us;
but for your better apprehending
of what I deliver, I will ſet down the Figure
as I find it in Galilæus.

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