Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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20828That the Earth may be a Planet. in reference to the Horizon, (which com-
mon People apprehend to be the bottom,
and in the utmoſt bounds of it to join with
the Heavens) the Sun does appear in the
Morning to riſe up from it, and in the
Evening to go down unto it.
Now, I ſay,
becauſe the Holy Ghoſt, in the manner of
theſe expreſſions, does ſo plainly allude unto
vulgar Errors, and the falſe appearance of
therefore 'tis not without probabi-
lity, that he ſhould be interpreted in the
ſame ſenſe, when he ſeems to imply a mo-
tion in the Sun or Heavens.
2. The ſecond place, was that relation in
where 'tis mentioned as a Miracle,
That the Sun did ſtand ſtill.
And Joſhua
11Joſh. 10.
12, 14,
the literal
ſenſe of
this place;
the end of
theat trea-
tiſe, which
he calls
Nov. An-
tig. pat.
ſaid, Sun, ſtand thou ſtill upon Gibeon, and
thou Moon in the Valley of Ajalon.
So the
Sun ſtood still in the midst of Heaven, and
haſted not to go down about a whole day.
there was no day like that, before it, or after
In which place likewiſe, there are di-
vers phraſes wherein the Holy Ghoſt does
not expreſs things according to their true
nature, and as they are in themſelves;
according to their appearances, and as
they are conceived in common opinion.
(I.) When he ſays, Sun, ſtand thou ſtill upoæ
Gibeon, or over Gibeon.
Now the whole
Earth being ſo little in compariſon to the
body of the Sun, and but as a Point, in re-
ſpect of that Orb wherein the Sun is ſuppo-
ſed to move;
and Gibeou being, as it

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