Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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364184That the Earth may be a Planet. Pyramids which were built to perpetuate
the memory of their Founders, ſhall ſooner
periſh and moulder away into their Primi-
tive Duſt, than the Names of ſuch Wor-
thies ſhall be forgotten.
The Monuments
of Learning are more durable than the Mo-
numents of Wealth or Power.
All which Encouragements may be abun-
dantly enough to ſtir up any conſidering
Man, to beſtow ſome part of his time in the
ſtudy and inquiſition of theſe Truths.
Fœlices animæ, quibus hæc cognoſcere primum,
# Inq;
domos ſuperas ſcandere cura fuit.
Books ſold by John Gellibrand, at the
# Golden Ball in St.
Pauls Church-Yard.
BOneti Anatomia. 2 Vol. ir Folio.
Zodiacus Medico-Gallicus, pro 3 Annis. 40
Bp VVilkins Sermons, and Beauty of Provi-
# dence.
In Octavo.
Pluturch’s Morals, tranſlated from the Greek
# by ſeveral Hands.
In Oetavo.
Remarks upon the deplorable Fall of the
# Emperor Julian.
In Zuarto.
A Triennial Viſitation-Sermon, preach’d at
# Reading, before Seth L.
Biſhop of Salisbury.
# By John Barrow Prebend of VVindſor.
Baudrandi Geographia ordine literarum diſpo-
# ſita.
2 Vol. in Fol. Paris. 1682.

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